CS371P: Final Blog Entry
- Were there any other particular takaways for you?
For me the takeaways were about testing, as I learned a lot about how to do good (at least I would think) unit testing, as well as coverage and performance testing.
- How did you feel about cold calling?
Cold calling seemed like a good way to get students to participate, especially with online classes where no one wants to volunteer to talk.
- How did you feel about office hours?
While I don’t normally go to office hours, I did a couple times for this class and it was very useful. Professor Downing and his TAs were very eager to help.
- What required tool did you not know and now find very useful?
I’m a big fan of GCOV and Valgrind, especially Valgrind because it helps you make sure you don’t have memory leaks, but also I like makefiles since I feel like I know a lot about them now.
- You should have read five papers that describe SOLID design : Single responsibility, Open-closed principle, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, Dependency inversion. What insights have they given you?
The Interface Segregation Principle helped me realize that multiple inheritance isn’t necessarily evil, only that programmers/designers need to be careful when they do implement it.
- You should have read two papers that advised minimizing getters and setters. What insights have they given you?
Reducing the amount of getters/setters in code helps you produce better object oriented code that is more encapsulated and abstract, since you don’t give clients unnecessary access to class members.