CS373 Fall 2021: Blog 11

Bren Keeton
2 min readNov 8, 2021


What did you do this past week?

This past week I (and my group) met to discuss our plans, make GitLab issues, and assign responsibilities for the new phase of the project. I also worked on my group project for my other CS class, which is implementing a (simple) AI, and it’s pretty hard.

Aside from school stuff, I went to a concert in Houston (not Astrofest thankfully, but I hope anyone who did go is safe), and it was just nice to do something fun for once even if it meant going to Houston.

What’s in your way?

Mostly just trying to figure out how to implement searching/sorting/filtering. This phase doesn’t seem as astronomically intensive as the last one, what with creating a database and API, but the combination of all of those requirements definitely introduces some interesting complexities.

What will you do next week?

Next week I will get started on get started on adding searching, sorting, and filtering to the backend API, since I am the one who designed it for the previous phase and this know the most about it. However, I also plan on explaining how it works to my teammates because I predict that the scale of that feature is too much for just one person to accomplish.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #11: Getters and Setters?

This paper makes a lot of sense from a design and engineering perspective, which is why it’s so surprising that it’s not taught to beginners from the start.

What was your experience of relational algebra, select, and project? (this question will vary, week to week)

The select function seems very intuitive and easy to understand, but I’m still struggling to imagine a realistic use case for project.

What made you happy this week?

Like I mentioned in my answer to the first question, I went to a concert on Thursday. I got to go with my best friend from high school to see an artist who has been one of my favorites for years now, so it was just a really nice experience.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Go to any website that allows for searching/sorting/filtering and see how it works from a frontend perspective, such as how it affects the URL query parameters to figure out how it interacts with the backend. Don’t reinvent the wheel, pretty much.



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