CS373 Fall 2021: Blog 13

Bren Keeton
2 min readNov 22, 2021


What did you do this past week?

I and my team finished up the previous phase of the project, in time thanks to free one day extension everyone got. I’ve also been grinding out my final project for my Game Tech class, which has been pretty tough since I’m trying to use some techniques that I’m having to learn on my own. Here’s hoping that I’ll have enough done for the Alpha when it’s due tomorrow.

What’s in your way?

Even though I don’t have any finals this semester, my projects are still piling up and stressing me out a lot. Not to mention that my laziness is setting in early in anticipation of the break.

What will you do next week?

I’m glad to finally have a break and go home for Thanksgiving. Even if I’ll still have to do some schoolwork while I’m at home, I’m still going to take full advantage of the time I won’t be in class in the mornings by getting some extra sleep.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #13: Why Extends Is Evil?

The paper made a lot of good arguments as to why interface inheritance should be vastly favored over concrete class inheritance. I can still see imagine some theoretical reasons to inherit from concrete classes, but from now on I will be thinking in terms of interfaces, especially considering they are pretty much necessary for the SOLID design principles.

What was your experience of SQL? (this question will vary, week to week)

SQL is definitely one of the weirdest languages I’ve ever seen and used. I’m curious as to how we would have used it in our IDB project if we were required to as opposed to Python.

What made you happy this week?

I made a pumpkin cheesecake for a friendsgiving I went to, and it turned out surprisingly well despite the fact that I don’t have any baking tools like a stand mixer that the recipe told me to use.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

As much as you (and I) might want to, don’t spend your break doing nothing. That isn’t to say that you shouldn’t relax, but rather that should try not to lay in bed all day every day. While I’m at home I’m going to try to finish reading Dune so I can watch the movie, and then hopefully move onto restarting the Witcher books so I can hopefully finish the second short story collection in time for season 2 of the Netflix show. It’s not exactly work, but it’s also not being idle!



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