CS373 Fall 2021: Bren Keeton

Bren Keeton
2 min readAug 29, 2021


  1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up all over the place because my dad was in the Air Force, but I have spent most of my time in Texas somehow.

2. What high school did you attend?

I went to a high school in Burkburnett, Texas, because it was the only school in my area that offered AP classes.

3. What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school?

I really liked doing UIL Science, Chemistry specifically.

4. Why did you come to UT?

Mainly because it has the best Computer Science program in Texas, and also because it was in Texas for that sweet in-state tuition.

5. Why are you majoring in CS?

I really wanted to learn how to make video games going into college, but I also couldn’t see myself doing anything else like Liberal Arts, or, god forbid, engineering.

6. Why are you in this class?

I really enjoyed OOP with Professor Downing last Spring, and the combination of Software Engineering being a very important topic and this class being taught by Professor Downing made it a no-brainer.

7. What are your expectations of this class?

Well, I’m expecting to develop a website, but also to learn some tools/techniques/etc that will be important both in school and in industry when it comes to software engineering as a whole.

8. How much Javascript/Python/SQL/Web programming do you already know?

I had a job at one of UT’s research labs where I did web development, so I have experience with Javascript (and HTML/CSS), but not so much Python experience, and no experience with SQL.

9. How did you like the first lectures?

The first lectures gave me a good feel for how the rest will go, along with my prior knowledge of Professor Downing’s teaching style in OOP.

10. How did you feel about the cold calling?

I don’t feel bad about cold calling. I’m familiar with how it works, so the only “issue” is the anxiety of not knowing if you’re going to be called.

11. What made you happy this week?

I was glad that I finally got to go back to (limited) in person classes after the last year or so!

12. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

This may not be as original as other tips I’ve seen this week, but I would just suggest you familiarize yourself with Docker ahead of time. Pull the Python image and write some boilerplate code to make sure you can run it before it’s too late!



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