CS373 Fall 2021: Week 9

Bren Keeton
2 min readOct 25, 2021


What did you do this past week?

I spent most of my time this past week working on my Game Tech project. It fortunately got extended until Monday (tomorrow), but I think I might have to leave my partners for that group to finish it off on their own so I can focus on this class’s project.

What’s in your way?

The size of our database entries. I’m trying to figure out a way to reduce their size so the model pages don’t take >1 minute to load 10 entries in a grid per page. My schedule is also pretty hectic nowadays so it’s been a struggle for me to keep up with almost anything.

What will you do next week?

Tomorrow I’m going to be grinding all day to get Phase 2 done in time. I’m sure me and my team can do it, but it should be all hands on deck.

I also have a performance for my Improv class (yes I know, cringe) tomorrow, so I’m hoping to get some laughs out of that.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #8: Interface Segregation Principle?

The Interface Segregation Principle definitely makes sense. I’ve tried in the past to be conscious about my class/interface design because I’ve read this paper before in OOP, and I think it definitely helped me design and write better code.

What was your experience of functions, closures, and decorators? (this question will vary, week to week)

Decorators are still very confusing to me, but I think I understand functions and closures pretty well. Every day we learn more about Python is another day we stray further from the way I thought programming languages had to work.

What made you happy this week?

Yesterday I went to a Halloween party at one of my friend’s places in San Antonio. I got to see a bunch of friends I haven’t seen in a while and just got to relax without having to look at a line of code for the night.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Due to my aforementioned hectic schedule, I’m going to try out something I never would have dreamed of doing: keeping a to-do list. So far I think I’ll just write stuff on a post-it note of stuff I need to do throughout the day, which will hopefully make me, or at least make me feel like, I’m being productive. I know it’s an awfully low tech solution for a CS student, so I’m open to any suggestions if anyone knows of a good app to use.



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